Dinner at Sal & Mookies

Stromboli at Sal & Mookies
One of our goals at Sippinmagnolias.com is to tell you about the many locally owned restaurants. There are way too many for us to get to and we expect that this alone should keep us busy. Above is a Stromboli that we had and just below is the Cannolli.

Leave the spoon, take the Cannolli
Sal & Mookies is a very versatile restaurant. It’s intimate enough for a date night, yet is very welcoming of families. Whether you have a milestone in life you’d like to celebrate or just a nice evening out, Sal & Mookies is a great place for Pizza and Italian cuisine.

Our Appetizer was Mozzarella Sticks.
Sal and Mookies is located in the District at Eastover. The District at Eastover is just north of Lakeland drive and is visible from I-55